Tag Archives: food

pyongyang кафе

our awkward and dericious dinner at pyongyang cafe.
pyongyang-DSC_6493i had cognac with my food, something the late mr. kim would have approved. pyongyang-DSC_6509bulgogi.

pyongyang-DSC_6514mandu with a view.

pyonyang-DSC_6519the waitresses were all north koreans (allegedly). there were four of them, skinny and well-dressed, watching the fina world championships while they waited on us. the room was equipped with a norebang machine just in case the cognac got out of hand.  pyongyang-DSC_6525Пхеньян кафе

nara奈良 and the roaming deer

DSC_7225 복사본we rent bikes and ride around the city where the deer roam free.

DSC_7250 복사본we lunch on things leaf-wrapped and raw. DSC_7236 복사본

DSC_7268 복사본we eat while a gang of panhandling, god-sent, japanese deer encircle our position.

DSC_7304 복사본we visit todai-ji 東大寺,  a buddhist temple built in 752 AD.

DSC_7335 복사본we meet the shadowy komokuten 廣目天/광목천. one of the four heavenly kings and ruler of the west.

DSC_7371 복사본outside the great buddha hall 大仏殿 we find pindola 賓頭盧 but we refrain from trying his healing powers. from the late edo period.

DSC_7405 복사본night falls and we head over to a restaurant for fishcake (오뎅 おでん). DSC_7500 복사본then tea and tiny japanese deserts.      DSC_7485 복사본

seoul, pizza, missiles, thai rice and breakdance

DSC_4779 we take the mugunghwa to seoul.


imagei buy 6 books at the what the book bookstore including scary stories to tell in the dark with the original stephen gammell illustration.

DSC_4788i  read outliers with some trevi pizza and wine for lunch. pepperoni. quattro formaggi. still the best pizza this or that side of the dmz.

i walk down itaewon-ro in the heart of the american military presence in korea.

DSC_4811i meet some friends on my way to the war memorial museum.



politicians can’t afford to lose face.

turns out they’re having a little protest outside the walls of the yongsan garrison.


DSC_4814  DSC_4817turns out not everybody is into gringos or thaads.


the war memorial of korea.



DSC_4917 some of the sculptures may inspire you to kick some ass.

DSC_4870missiles. lots.

DSC_4856 young children climbing heavy artillery. lots.


DSC_4886turtle ships.

DSC_4890fighting monks retaking pyongyang castle from the japanese.

sweetie, bear, IU, her boyfriend and i meet up for my thai in itaewon.DSC_4934


DSC_4936across from the restaurant somebody convinced somebody putting a kidnapper-van/bar on top of a building would be a good idea.

DSC_4939we go dancing.

DSC_4960-1the dance floor is well-stocked with koreans, nigerians, and american gis.

as the clock strikes midnight, a breakdance fight breaks out.

sunday we take the mugunghwa out of seoul. 5 hours later night falls and we’re back in busan.



1800s american presence in korea


three temples

buddha’s birthay.
we travel to three temples as it is tradition:
we start in 백연화사 baekyeonhwasa,

DSC_4543we eat bibimbap and watermelon.

DSC_4546under the serene stare of a thousand golden buddhas.

DSC_4552we walk under the shadows of a thousand rainbow lanterns

DSC_4561we travel south to gaya-dong. we hike up to 선암사 seonamgsa.

DSC_4558guardian pets

DSC_4587we sit down to makeoli, tofu and kimchi on an industrial wire spool table.

DSC_4632we drive towards mandeok. up dusty roads. we reach 석불사 sokbulsa hidden up in the hills that divide western and eastern busan.

DSC_4630we play throw-the-coin at the pagoda.

DSC_4642carvings of two heavenly kings and buddhas.

DSC_4645a guardian .

DSC_4684we ride east. from the road we see western busan, mandeok, deokcheon, the nakdonggang and the floodplains.

DSC_4687we cross the pass into the east of the white city. we find a view of sajik and the yeonsan neighborhood, baesan hill and the distant towers of marine city.

happy birthday buddha,

happy blated bday bob.

girl from the north country fair