Tag Archives: writing

books november 2017

Polo, MarcoRustichello da PisaJohn Frampton (translator) and Milton Rugoff. The Travels of Marco Polo. Signet Classics, 2004. (published c. 1300).

Orwell, George. Why I Write. Penguin Books, 2005. (first edition 1946).Morin, Amy. 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do: Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears and Train Your Brain. William Morrow, 2015.Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. Herland. Dover Publications, 1998. (published as a serial 1915, first published 1979).

Cormac McCarthy reading list

To read

Fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah, Foster Bible. Via Wikimedia.

The Bible

Canterbury Tales, Woodcut 1484. Via Wikimedia.

Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales, Troilus and CriseydeThe Book of the Duchess

Satan presiding at the Infernal Council. 1824. John Martin. Via Wikimedia.

John Milton: Paradise Lost  Areopagitica


Etching of Joseph O. Eaton’s portrait of Herman Melville. Via Wikimedia.

Herman Melville: Typee,Omoo,Moby-Dick 

William Faulkner


Flannery O’Connor Wise Blood, The Violent Bear It Away, A Good Man Is Hard to Find

Thomas Pynchon: V., The Crying of Lot 49, Gravity’s Rainbow, Mason & Dixon

MacKinlay Kantor: Andersonville, If the South Had Won the Civil War

Portrait of Dostoyevsky (Ф.М.Достоевского) by Vasily Perov, 1872. Via Wikimedia.

Ф.М.Достоевского Fyodor Dostoevsky: The Idiot, Demons, The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment  

Nobel Laureates 1980-1984

Jaroslav Seifert 1984

Czechoslovakia/Austria-Hungary (poetry)

Deštník z Picadilly

William Golding 1983

UK (novel/poetry/drama)

Lord of the FliesThe InheritorsFree Fall

Gabriel García Márquez 1982

Colombia (novel/short story)

Cien años de soledadCrónica de una muerte anunciadaEl coronel no tiene quien le escriba

Elias Canetti 1981

UK/Bulgaria (drama/novel/essay)

Crowds and Power, Auto-da-Fé

Czesław Miłosz 1980

Poland (poetry/essay)

Wiersze ostatnieKról Popiel i inne wierszeHymn o Perle

Nobel Laureates 1989-1985

Camilo José Cela 1989

Spain (novel/short story) (see Generacion del 36 and tremendismo)

The Family of Pascual Duarte (La familia de Pascual Duarte), La colmenaSan Camilo, 1936 

نجيب محفوظ‎‎  Naguib Mahfouz 1988

Egypt (novel/short story/screenplay)

ثلاثية القاهرة The Cairo Trilogy (Palace Walk بين القصرين, Palace of Desire قصر الشوق, Sugar Street السكرية [Novels named after actual streets in Cairo,])

Ио́сиф Алекса́ндрович Бро́дский Joseph Brodsky 1987

US/Soviet Union (poetry/essay)

Less Than One: Selected EssaysCollected Poems in English, 1972–1999, To Urania : Selected Poems, 1965–1985

Akinwándé Oluwolé Babátúndé Sóyinká Wole Soyinka 1986

Nigeria (drama/novel/poetry)

Season of AnomyThe InterpretersDeath and the King’s Horseman

Claude Simon 1985

France/Madagascar (novel)

La Route des FlandresHistoireL’Acacia

Nobel Laureates 1994-1990

大江 健三郎 Kenzaburō Ōe 1994

Japan (novel)

Work: 個人的な体験 A Personal Matter, 万延元年のフットボール The Silent Cry

Toni Morrison 1993

US (novel)

Work: The Bluest EyeBelovedSong of Solomon

Derek Walcott 1992

Santa Lucia (poetry/drama)

Work: Dream on Monkey Mountain, Omeros,  

Nadine Gordimer 1991

South Africa (novel/short story)

Work: The ConservationistBurger’s DaughterJuly’s People

Octavio Paz 1990

Mexico (poetry/essay)

Work: Piedra de solSalamandraEl laberinto de la soledadVislumbres de la India

Nobel Laureates 1999-1995

Günter Grass 1999

Germany (novel, drama, graphic design) Nazi Germany

Work:  The Tin Drum, Cat and MouseDog Years (Danzig Trilogy

José Saramago 1998

Portugal (novel)

Work:  Memorial do Convento (Baltasar and Blimunda), O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo (The Gospel According to Jesus Christ), Ensaio sobre a cegueira (Blindness), História do Cerco de Lisboa (The History of the Siege of Lisbon)   

Dario Fo 1997

Italy (drama)

Work: Guerra di popolo in Cile, Non Si Paga! Non Si Paga! (Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay!, Il Papa e la strega (The Pope and the Witch)

Wisława Szymborska 1996

Poland (poetry)

Work: Love At First Sight poem (Watch Three Colors: Red), Here, View With a Grain of Salt: Selected Poems

Seamus Heaney 1995

UK/Ireland (poetry)

Work: Beowulf 1999 translationDeath of a NaturalistThe Spirit Level