Tag Archives: book

banyeo at dusk

march 27DSC_0987

photo essay on masks:

to read:

via wikipedia

Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways in America by David Hackett Fischer (1989)
four different migrations from england that shaped america:
+puritans to new england
+southern english to virginia
+quakers to the delaware
+anglo-scottish bordeland inhabitants to the american backgrountry and appalachia.

red brick, narrow lanes

Ran 30 minutes on upper Banyeo around Baejan-ro. Near the market I found red brick apartments lining narrow back streets and alleys. They resembled Victorian era working class housing in East London. Similar, perhaps, to Jack the Ripper’s old stomping grounds.
Started listening to the audiobook of The Man In The High Castle on youtube.


via wikipedia/public domain